Do I need to re-do my estate plan if I move from one state to another?

Do I need to re-do my estate plan if I move from one state to another?

First the good news: In most cases people moving to (or from) Hawaii do not need to redo their estate plans.  The bad news: There are many possible exceptions. Estate planning laws differ from State to State, so it is recomended to check with an attorney in the new State.

Is it time to update my estate plan?

Is it time to update my estate plan?

An estate plan should provide peace of mind that your wishes will be carried out and your loves ones taken care of.  For those of you who have created an estate plan, you know what I am talking about.  However, shortly after you achieve this blissful state of being, you tuck your documents away in a safe place and continue living life. 


Should I talk to my parents about their estate plan?

Should I talk to my parents about their estate plan?

The question on whether you should discuss your parent's’ estate plan with them is a common question.  The short answer is, “It just depends.” Every family is different, but here are some things to consider.

What is estate planning and do I need it?

What is estate planning and do I need it?

Estate planning is necessary because, as the old expression goes, “You can’t take it with you.”  Estate planning is the process of putting together a plan, which will allow someone to step into your shoes to manage your assets in the event of your incapacity and carry out your wishes after your lifetime.